How to Prevent Parking Lot Accidents

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that 267 deaths and about 15,000 injuries occur annually in backover crashes.

Of the estimated 267 annual deaths, an 84 were children younger than 5, and 70 deaths were people 70 and older (NHTSA, 2014).

Most “backover crashes” are residential. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 39 percent of backover fatalities occur in residential spaces such as driveways and the parking lots of apartment and townhouse complexes (NHTSA, 2008). Nonresidential parking lots account for only 17 percent of backover fatalities, but 52 percent of backover injuries.

So what can we do to ensure our, our loved ones, and others safety? 

  • Number one… SLOW DOWN. Always assume that there is some child who has broken loose from his/her parent and is in the cross-hairs of your vehicle. Always proceed with caution.

  • Make sure that your rearview and side mirrors are set correctly. You may also want to consider adding blindspot miniature mirrors to your existing side mirrors, if you drive a larger vehicle or truck. 

  • Use technology. Back up assist, Back up cameras, radar and ultrasonic alert systems, parking assist systems, will all help in avoiding a collision with a person, object or other vehicle.

  • Finally, try to park away from heavily congested areas. Perhaps enjoy a slightly longer stroll in the parking lot  by parking towards the back. That way, you can avoid the congested areas closer to the store, theatre, etc., while also gaining an additional health benefit. Two birds with one stone, ya know?!?!

If you are the victim of a parking lot collision, you probably need to consult an attorney. We’ll help immediately to investigate the accident, get witness statements, and see that your interests are protected. Lean On Us in your time of need.

**no representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than that of other lawyers.


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